We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: newsflash@euforumrj.org.
If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up on the EFRJ website!
If you missed the previous editions, click here! |
Job Vacancy – Join the EFRJ team! |

The EFRJ is currently recruiting a part-time (50%) Policy Officer, with at least three years’ experience of practice, management, fundraising or policy making in RJ, social justice, or peacebuilding. The deadline for submitting the application is 20 February 2017. |
Seminar on the Victims’ Directive |

Survey & Paper on RJ in the Victims’ Directive |

The EFRJ is working on a POSITION PAPER which will include extensive recommendations to the Member States and to the EC concerning the RJ regulations in the Victims’ Directive. For this, we need your input!
FILL IN THE SURVEY before 17 February
This brief survey is launched together with a BRIEFING PAPER. Both your answers to the survey and comments to the Briefing Paper will serve to draft the POSITION PAPER. |
Seminar on alternatives to detention |
EFRJ Summer School 2017 |
Save the dates!!! The 7th edition of the EFRJ Summer School will take place in the cluster of St. Abbondio in Como (Italy). It is organised in partnership with the Centre for Restorative Justice and Mediation Studies of the University of Insubria. This year the focus will be on RJ in cases of serious crimes. More information about fees and registrations will be available by half February on the EFRJ website. |

RJ in French news |

A journalist of TV5Monde interviewed several plenary speakers that presented at the international conference ‘Restorative Justice in action(s)‘ organised by the French institute of restorative justice (IFJR). Among others, the article includes reflections from the EFRJ director Edit Törzs and from Prof. Ivo Aertsen, one of the founders of the EFRJ. |
Conference on youth and young adult offenders |
On 7-8 June 2017, the Confederation of European Probation (CEP, one of the members of the Criminal Justice Platform Europe) will organize a conference on young adult offenders in Barcelona. The event is a follow-up of the very successful conference 2016 in Lillestrom, Norway. It will treat further into deep the aspects that come up and occur when working with youth and young adult offenders. |

Conference: RJ 360 |
The 2017 annual conference of the Restorative Justice Collaborative of Houston will be held on 29 April. The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Restorative Justice 360: A Year of Implementation.’ The deadline for presentation proposals is 8 February. |

Inspiring videos- Conference in France |

Watch all the interventions during the RJ conference in Paris on 21 November 2016 organised by Citoyens & Justice during the international #RJWeek 2016. Among other speakers, you can find three active members of the EFRJ, i.e. Antonio Buonatesta, Estelle Zinsstag and Lode Walgrave. |