EFRJ Newsflash
January 2017 (I)
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18-19 January, Paris: Conference on RJ in France by the French Institute for Restorative Justice (IFJR), in cooperation with the EFRJ.
10 February, Fribourg: RJ Day ‘Putting human rights at the center of criminal law: The contribution of restorative justice’ with Catherine Jaccottet Tissot (member of the EFRJ editorial committee).
23 February, Brussels: Experts Seminar on the implementation of the EU Victims Directive (training and cooperation) by the Criminal Justice Platform Europe (CJPE) .
1 June, Berlin: EFRJ Annual General Meeting.
4-7 July, Barcelona: CJPE’s Summer Course.
24-28 July, Como: EFRJ Summer School.
RJ conference in Italy
Two former chairs of the EFRJ Board, Prof. Ivo Aertsen and Michael Kilchling, will present during the international conference ‘Restorative Justice: Active Responsibility, Participation, Reparation‘ on 20-21 January 2017 in Trento (Italy). Also Grazia Mannozzi from the University of Insubria will be present for the closing speech: Mannozzi and her team are assisting us in the organisation of the EFRJ Summer School 2017 in Como!
Seminar on preventing hate speech and violence
The European seminar ‘Preventing and Countering Discriminatory Violence at the Local Level‘ will take place on 2-3 March 2017 in Vienna. It s organised by the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS). The main objective is to look at the crucial role that local authorities can play in terms of prevention and awareness-raising and contribute to creating a climate where discrimination, hate speech and violence are not acceptable. Registration for the conference is free but mandatory.
RJ & Gender: call for proposals
KU Leuven and the Tarbiat Modares University in Teheran are organising the international seminar ‘Gender, religion, law and society: Exchanges between Iran and Belgium‘ (Leuven, 14-15 March 2017). The deadline for submitting a paper is 15 January: among other themes, you will find ‘RJ and Gender’. The seminar is free of charge, but registration is compulsory.
Conversations about RJ
The 2-day gathering ‘Conversations About Restorative Justice: Moving Toward a New Paradigm‘ will take place in Ottawa (Canada) on 4-5 April 2017. It will allow both experienced practitioners and those interested in RJ to come together for a series of conversations to evolve RJ in Canada.
Restorative strategies in Northern Ireland
Two years after the EFRJ conference in Belfast (Northern Ireland), our plenary speaker John Braithwaite continues to collaborate with the Northern Irish team. This new article on restorative strategies in Northern Ireland, entitled ‘Ending residual paramilitary domination in Northern Ireland? Restorative Economic and Social inclusion Strategies‘, is published in Braithwaite’s blog.
Annual publication ‘Restorative works’ Read IIRP’s annual publication ‘Restorative Works: 2016 Year in Review‘, including an article written by Vidia Negrea on her restorative experience in a refugee camp in Belgium.
E-learning on Restorative Approaches
‘Restore: E-learning‘ (by Restorative Solutions, a provider of Restorative Approaches) includes 10 modules to help building more knowledge of restorative practices. Each module can be completed individually or as a series.
Conference on community & RJ
The next National Conference on Community and Restorative Justice (NACRJ) will be in Oakland (California) on 16-18 June 2017 with a pre-conference training session on 15 June. The call for presenters is now open!
Moment of inspiration
‘Tellers without borders’– This inspiring project, linked with the theme of the #RJWeek 2016 of the EFRJ, brings together tellers of fairytales and stories, therapists and humanitarians to help and heal people in need who are living in conflict areas and in difficult conditions.
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