We hope you enjoy the current edition. If you have any comments or any news you would like us to share, please let us know: newsflash@euforumrj.org.
If you want to let others know about this newsflash, please forward it to your friends or colleagues and invite them to sign up on the EFRJ website!
If you missed the previous editions, click here! |
Registrations open: conference on RJ & child victims |
The EFRJ is co-organising the final conference on RJ and child victims (Brussels, 7 December) of the EU funded project “Implementing Restorative Justice with Child Victims” coordinated by the IJJO – International Juvenile Justice Observatory. Check the programme and register now: the event is free of charge but registration is compulsory!
EFRJ membership updates! |
An EFRJ team is happy to welcome these new organisational members who recently joined our community:
Their membership will be formally approved at the next Annual General Meeting (Bilbao, June 2019). Click here to get to know all our new organisational members! If you wish to join the EFRJ network, or renew your membership 2018, click on this link! |

International Journal of RJ |
The 2nd issue of the International Journal of Restorative Justice is now out! It includes articles from Tali Gal (one of our plenary speakers at the #efrj2018 conference in Tirana) and EFRJ member Monique Anderson (our former executive officer) and the review of “Critical Restorative Justice”, a book edited by our Board member Brunilda Pali and founder Ivo Aertsen. Members of the EFRJ get a 10% discount: contact us to get the promo-code! |
Call for an expert: PREPARE project |
The European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) is looking for an external expert to support the ongoing PREPARE project on reintegration of violent extremist offenders, in which the EFRJ is a partner. The deadline for applying is 12 October. All details can be found here. |
New report on human approaches to address harm |
Leuven team in action: support the refugee walk |
Part of the EFRJ team, together with colleagues from the KU Leuven Institute of Criminology, will participate to the Refugee Walk (Flanders, 30 September). This is not just a sport challenge, but a symbolic effort to reflect and take action in support of those who undertake long and dangerous journeys in search of a better life and protection and try to be “in their shoes” even just for a moment and without all the real and unimaginable dangers and struggles migrants go through in their journeys. |
Registrations close soon: RJ conference in Italy |
Registrations to the international conference “Restorative Approach and Social Innovation: From Theoretical Grounds to Sustainable Practices” (University of Padova, 7-8 November) will close on 30 September. Register now and meet the EFRJ team in Italy: our board members Patrizia Patrizi and Brunilda Pali, as well as our founder Ivo Aertsen, will be there, together with many other EFRJ members (Grazia Mannozzi, Claudia Mazzucato, Guido Bertagna, Simone Grigoletto). |
Leuven RJ City: inspirational day |
An inspirational day has been organised for continuing to make of Leuven a Restorative City (19 October): meet our founder Prof. Ivo Aertsen and the rest of the local project team that since last year work together to contribute to greater social cohesion and a more inclusive society in Leuven. Choose the round table and register now (for Dutch speaking only). |
RJ event in Germany |
Our German organisational member TOA is busy with the organisation of its 17th Forum for Victim-Offender-Mediation and Restorative Justice (Berlin 7-9 November) entitled “The strength of those involved: Self-determination instead of neediness”. The EFRJ team will be represented by our new colleague Laura Hein. Among the international speakers, you will find Tim Chapman, Petra Sampers and Belinda Hopkins. |
Online course on RJ and child victims |
The 2nd edition of the online course “Implementing Restorative Justice for Children” is now open to enroll, free of charge. The course has been developed by the EFRJ and the KU Leuven Institute of Criminology, partners in a EU funded project coordinated by the International Juvenile Justice Observatory. The conference on this topic will take place in Brussels on 7 December: register here! |
Moment of inspiration |
Remember the booklet “Restorative Imagination: Artistic Pathways“, published on the occasion of the #RJWeek 2017, a collection of articles on the intersections between arts and RJ? The photographer Catilina Sherman, together with criminal lawyer and mediator Diletta Stendardi, contributed with the article “Il bagatt”, linking the cobbler and RJ, both aiming at repairing something broken. Now, the photos of Catilina’s project are to sell: click here to watch them all! |